We are thrilled to announce one of our newest staff members here at the J: Molly Cohn!

Molly has only been working full-time with us since November as the Assistant Director of Youth Services (breaking news: she will also be leading the charge for our Early Learning School Afterschool Enrichment Program beginning in 2019); however, she worked with Camp Shai this past summer as a counselor. Now, it may only be December, but we are about to #getcAMPED with our new friend and co-worker, Ms. Cohn.

Where are you originally from, Molly?

Molly Cohn: I’m originally from upstate NY. I came out to Colorado after college to join AmeriCorps NCCC.

What did you study at college??

MC: I studied psychology and Elementary Education.

What’s your favorite thing about working at the J?

MC: I love the sense of community and family. I also love working with kiddos!

When not at work, what are you usually up to? Hobbies, activities, interests?

MC: When not at work, I study Mental Health Counseling in grad school. Otherwise, running, swimming, practicing Spanish, mountains (other stereotypical Colorado favorites).

What made you want to work for the J?

MC: I love Camp Shai. I love the intentionality of their programming, and just the opportunity to hang out with kiddos all the time.

 What are a few things people may not know about you?

MC: Hmmm… I have been hit by lightning. I had an amateur DJ career in Peru. I once was a site supervisor for a construction crew having never held a hammer before.

What do you hope to accomplish while working at the J?

MC: I hope to create meaningful programming for the youth in the community.

What’s your favorite winter-time activity?

MC: Hot Yoga.

Registration for JCC Camps opens on January 2, and we promise your little camper will have a great time hanging out with Molly this summer! Are you ready to #getcAMPED? We sure are. June can’t come soon enough.

Welcome to the JCC Denver, Molly!