Three cheers for Maccabi!
The Colorado Delegation is proud to be sending a delegation of athletes to compete in the JCC Maccabi games in Tucson, Arizona, July 27 – August 1.
The JCC Maccabi Games® are an international athletic competition for Jewish teenagers run much like the Olympics. Athletes can compete against Jewish teens from all over the United States as well as delegations from Israel, Great Britain, Mexico, Canada, and more. The Games are played with a focus on “rachmanus” or sportsmanship with the intent to foster long-lasting friendships, memories and connection to Judaism and Israel. This unique event is not only about being a part of the Jewish people; it comes with a mission–to make the world a betterplace and to make ourselves better people. We express these values or midot to help us remember the greater mission of the Games and Judaism. We emphasize Tikkun Olam(repairing the world), Kavod (respect), Rina (joy), Ga’ava (pride), Lev Tov (big hearted),and Amiut Yehudit (Jewish peoplehood). The Games also promote community involvement, and team work. The Games are one of the largest Jewish teen events in the world; each summer over 3,000 Jewish teens participate. Over 100,000 teens have benefited from the JCC Maccabi Games since 1982. At this Jewish Olympic style event, each athlete participates in one of fifteen sports, social events, and an opportunity to give back to the community during this week-long experience, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Sports at the Tucson games include: baseball, basketball, flag football, soccer, volleyball, 3×3 basketball, dance, golf, swimming, star reporter, table tennis, tennis.

Join Team Denver
Interested in joining the 2025 Colorado Delegation? Contact our Delegation Head, Daniel Siegel, to set up an information meeting and learn more about the Maccabi games.
2024 Highlights
2023 Highlights
2019 Highlights
“My first real Jcc teen experience was with Maccabi, and I haven’t looked back. Every program and event is inclusive and fun and every event has teen input to make it the best possible.”
Isaac Makovsky
2019 Maccabi Games Athlete