The Bonim Society
The Bonim Society is an annual giving society that honors those who build the future for the JCC each year. Members of the Bonim Society create hope by building community and assuring the future of the JCC by giving at various levels in a year. This new recognition program is for individuals, families, corporations, and foundations that provide annual support of $10,000 or more to any area of the JCC Denver. Our Bonim Society, our builders, are those who recognize that big contributions allow for little, yet impactful, moments. As our builders, you lay the foundation upon which we can continue offering unique experiences, educational opportunities, community-based events, and so much more.
Benefits of Being a Member of the Bonim Society with the J!
Meet our Builders!
Acoya Cherry Creek
Elaine Gantz Berman
Jill and Stuart Bombel
Bonfils Stanton Foundation
Clarence V. Laguardia Foundation
Lisa and Rich Cohn
Colorado Department of Human Services
Gay and Barry Curtiss-Lusher
Daniels Fund
Debra Strear
Aleinikoff Memorial Fund
Denver Post Community Foundation
Early Milestones Colorado
Estate of Lorna Gray
Foundation for Jewish Camp, Inc.
Shannon Gifford and Jerrold Glick
Thorey and Barry Goldstein
Lexi and Adam Hammerman
Harold Grinspoon Foundation
Heyman Family Fund
Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation of Colorado
Toni and Mike Kboudi
Susan Krems and Lawrence Matten
Leftin Investment Company
Solomon Leftin
MDC / Richmond American Homes Foundation
Linda and Michael Mossman
Wendy and Ed Nekritz
Kathy Neustadt
Tamara Pester
ProLogis Foundation
Nancy Reichman and Charles Gwirtsman
Roots and Branches Foundation
Rose Community Foundation
Jane E. Rosenbaum
Singer Family Foundation, Inc.
The Stapleton Family
Strear Family Foundation
Sturm Family Foundation
Susan and Donald Sturm
The B6 Fund
The Chotin Foundation & Family
The Efshar Project
The Felicia Beth Nekritz Memorial Fund
The Goldrich Family Foundation
Virginia W. Hill Foundation
Wal-Dot Foundation
Liz and Dan Weiner
Meghan and Evan Zucker