Our 100-year celebration Todah, offered thanks to our community for their support and commitment over the past 100 years as we embark on our next 100 years together. The celebration was held poolside with over 200 guests in attendance at the J with fabulous weather, cocktails, dinner, and a brief program featuring a performance of “When I Grow Up” from Matilda the Musical performed by our own Wolf Theater Academy, including alumni and members from multiple generations. We highlighted our 100 years of history with a historical walkthrough experience of our past featuring images and stories from our founding to today. These displays are currently up throughout the JCC so please explore and learn more about the past 100 years.  

We are all very thankful to those of you who attended! The over $475,000 raised from Todah will benefit programming across the JCC, including our Early Learning School, Camp Shai, Ranch Camp, as well as family and senior programming. These needed funds will help usher us into the next 100 years with a more financially secure footing and will ensure that the Denver JCC will continue to serve and strengthen our community guided by timeless Jewish values for generations to come!  

If you were unable to make it, the event donation link is still open: Donate to TODAH 

Thank you to our sponsors!

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