Spring Break isn’t typically spent inside, but this year is a little bit different…

But, the fun doesn’t stop! We’re proud to share a fun list of  wonderfully artistic crafts, silly games, and educational experiments for you and your family to enjoy during your time at home.

Art projects you can do with materials around the house:

Egg Carton Ninja Turtles


  • Empty egg carton
  • Paint (especially green!)
  • Glue
  • Googly eyes


  • Paint each carton green and let dry
  • Add googly eyes
  • Paint on masks and mouths
Coffee Filter Butterflies



  • Layout two coffee filters on top of each other on paper plate and color with washable markers on the top one only.
  • Spray the coffee filter with the spray bottle filled with water until both filters get damp and colors start to smear. You want the top one to look like the bottom one with the coloring.
  • Let the coffee filters completely dry. While waiting for it to dry, color the clothespin which will represent the butterfly body. 
  • When the filters are dry, take apart and fold each one accordion style.
  • Pinch the middle of the filter and add clothespin over where it is pinched. You will need to adjust wings after this step so they look like butterflies.
Homemade Bird Feeder


  • 4 cups birdseed
  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 2 0.25 ounce packets of unflavored gelatin (or 5 teaspoons)
  • 3 tablespoons corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Cooking spray
  • Parchment lined baking sheet
  • Skewer
  • Thick-sided cookie cuter


  • Mix together the dry ingredients (the birdseed, flour, and gelatin mix) in a bowl.
  • Stir in the wet ingredients (the corn syrup and the water). You will probably need to use your hands to get it sufficiently mixed.
  • Spray a cookie cutter (any shape as long as it has thick sides) with cooking spray.
  • Press the bird feed mixture into the cookie cutters. Then use a skewer to make a hole.
  • Gently remove the cookie cutter.
  • Allow it to dry overnight.
  • String a ribbon through it and give it away or hang it in your trees.