Surely you’ve heard of Shana Jacobs––she’s the JCC’s Camp Registration & Office Manager (we’re also convinced that she is, in fact, Wonder Woman, but she has yet to confirm our suspicions).

Shana started working at the J in January of 2017, but don’t let that fool you. The JCC has always been a huge part of her life, having graduated high school in the Phillips Social Hall and regularly attending J programming for years. The Denver native has been married to her husband, David Jacobs, for 10 years and together they have two beautiful sons, Maxwell (6) and Joshua (4).

Shana is an integral part of our J family, so who better to highlight this month?

How long have you and your family taken part in J programs?

Shana Jacobs: I was a Ranch Camp camper from the ages 8-15. My husband was a trainer here over 10 years ago (this is where we met) and we started as a JBU family seven years ago when we were pregnant with our first son Maxwell.

What programs do your kids partake in here at the JCC?

SJ: Joshua is in the preschool (ELS) and Maxwell attends Camp Shai and School’s Out Camps.

What’s your favorite thing about having your kids in camp at the J?

SJ: I get to be there for the special moments like Shabbat sing, or watching them pass the swim test for the first time.

kids in camp

What was the highlight of your family’s summer?

SJ: We loved Maccabiah at Camp Shai. My younger one also liked dressing up in his big brothers team colors just to be a part of the action.

As a parent, why would you recommend the JCC to other Denver families?

SJ: It’s a place where kid feel safe to be who they are and thrive. Both of my kids social and emotional growth has been tremendous to watch throughout both programs.

We absolutely love The Jacobs. The amount of time both Shana and David have spent within our walls is a lovely reminder of just how our community brings people together.

Thank you for being a part of our J Fam, Shana, David, Maxwell, and Joshua!

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