Ysidro Gardea is one of the friendly faces you see behind the desk when you arrive at the Fitness & Wellness Center.
Working full time at the J since March of 2016, Ysidro has a cordial, welcoming personality that resonates throughout our center. He has worked at the F&W Center Front Desk for a year and it’s needless to say (but we’ll say it anyway), he’s one ambitious dude.
How did the J become a part of your life?
Ysidro Gardea: I first began working out at the J when I was a freshman in high school––back in 2010. My mom began working as a teacher in the ELS, so I figured I’d take full advantage of the free membership. The more I stopped by the J, the more I wanted to work there. So finally after five years of attending the J’s Fitness & Wellness Center and getting to know the director and her staff, a spot opened up for me to work at the Front Desk.
What’s the best thing about working the Fitness Desk?
YG: The best thing about working the Fitness Desk is interacting with all the members and staff throughout the facility. It’s great to know that we are making a difference in the lives of the people using our facility. It’s especially nice to see the transformations our patrons go through as they continue to work out here.
What are you looking forward to most this summer?
YG: This summer I’m looking forward to opening the Snack Shack! I have created a whole new menu that I know our members will love, plus I have a whole new Snack Shack team that I’m excited to start working with.
What’s your favorite athletic activity? Do you play any sports here at the J?
YG: My favorite athletic activity is good ol’ fashion weightlifting. I love to get in the gym, pump the iron, and call it a day. It’s the best kind of therapy. I’ve never been a sports player myself, I’m just more interested in developing myself physically.
If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
YG: My dream job is to be an illustrator for DC Comics. I’ve always been a fan of superheroes in the comics, especially those from DC, so I hope to one day be an illustrator for them.
What country are you dying to visit?
YG: If there’s one place that I’ve been dying to visit more than anywhere else, it’d be New Zealand. It’s one of the most beautiful landscapes I’ve never seen. Plus they are so eco-friendly and natural there, I would love to see what the day-to-day living would be like. Besides, there’s something intriguing about living on a small island.
Ysidro is one of our best employees and we are so lucky to have him as a part of our J family.