On May 6, bring the whole family and celebrate Israel’s 70th in the beautiful Colorado sunshine!

JEWISHcolorado, along with other generous sponsors and partners, are hosting Celebrate Israel, a fabulous event that incorporates a two-mile walk (if that’s your thing), and a fun “after-walk” party that brings together Jewish organizations from all across town. Food trucks, kid-friendly games (two words: bouncy house), booths, live music, vendors, and more will be available as we gather to celebrate Israel and its 70th birthday–and did we mention this is a free event? We were lucky enough to get a chance to sit down with Osnat Fox (Israel Emissary) and Michele Weingarden (Communications Manager) from JEWISHcolorado to discuss this celebratory event.

As we discussed this year’s celebration, both Osnat and Michele were quick to express that this is a “united community event” that is for anyone and everyone who wants to be a part of the festivities. They both shared that this event will make you, “come out feeling pride in your Jewish connection.” We’re all about that!

Speaking of pride, each organization will have their own booth which will work to enliven the bond between our community partners and our families. Everyone will have the opportunity to make new friends and establish new connections.


Celebrate Israel has become, as Ms. Fox puts it, “something that’s important for the Denver community.” She states that last year, 2,500 people attended the event. That’s crazy!

When asked why she believes this event continues to grow, she says, “because it’s a look into how far Israel has come.” She mentions that events such as these allow families to engage their children in something that’s meaningful and fun–“they’re getting to know other cultures and they’re learning about the connection between The United States and Israel.”

What’s particularly interesting about this year’s Celebrate is the fact that it’s also combining with a Israel’s 70th Birthday celebration. The event will highlight Israel’s contribution to Colorado (fun fact: Israel and Colorado have a similar climate), as well as to the world at large, especially in regard to agriculture and water conservation.


If you do decide to attend the event, be sure not to miss the two-mile walk which kicks off at 9:00 am. Leading the wondrous parade of walkers will be teenagers from our own Jewish community, and as Ms. Fox and Weingarden point out, “that’s who we should have in the front of our Jewish community at all times.” We agree completely, ladies.

Of course, with an event as large as this one, there’s a whole lotta people who deserve our thanks and appreciation. Thanks for all you do, JEWISHcolorado, and thank you to Israel@70–a great organization that’s behind the vision of Celebrate Israel. They’ve been doing great things to promote Israel’s birthday this year, too!

We hope you’re just as excited as us to attend this fun, action-packed day of celebration at Wash Park and South High School.

Join us on May 6 for a day filled with adventure and Israeli pride!

The Israel@70 committee is made up of the following fantastic humans:

Dana Friedman
Cindy Noam
Amy Schinagel
Ronit Williamson
Goldie Cohen
Rana Kark
Kerem Szczbak
Gabriel Feinstein

Where are they now? Featuring: Noam Grinfeld
Featured Family: Nancy Spielberg