“You have two hands–one to help yourself, the second to help others.”

Sentiments such of these remind us of the selfless individuals and organizations who help out those in need.

Last month, our facility experienced a major set back–our fire panel went up in metaphorical flames (actual fire was not involved, we promise).

If you’re anything like us, you’re thinking, “what the heck’s a fire panel?” Well, don’t worry. We’re here to help (we had to Google it, too). According to this accredited website, a fire panel is, “a component that offers control through a fire alarm or notification system. The panel receives notifications for potential operational issues with equipment that could cause a fire.” Now, we’re no experts, but that sounds like an integral installation for safety here at the J.

Big deal, right? You bet. And like most “big deals”…it was very expensive. Luckily, thanks to our wonderful neighbors at Western States Fire Protection, we were recipients of a generous gift. Thanks to the kindness of this organization, they covered 25% of the cost of the new fire panel. Surely there has to be a catch, right? Nope. Western States is the real deal and their selflessness knows no bounds.

Our JCC Denver CEO, Lara Knuettel, states, “Western States is a great community partner here in Glendale. Their generosity and excellent response rate is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. They’re a phenomenal organization–our new fire panel was installed less than a week after it broke.”

In moments like these, we slow down and recognize the graciousness that resonates through our community. The people who make up the Western States Fire Association saw an organization in need and decided to help–frankly, that’s a miracle. Our center is home to hundreds of people (members and employees alike) who would have been greatly affected had we not been able to have this new fire panel installed.

We are deeply humbled and appreciative of this gift from Western States Fire Protection. If you’re looking for any sort of fire protection systems and/or solutions, be sure to check them out. They’re absolute lifesavers–literally.

Thank you, WSFP.

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