Dedicating the last decade of my life to serving the community at Mesa Community College in Mesa, Arizona, I have served a role as an adjunct professor and a campus fitness center supervisor for the Department of Exercise Science. In both roles, my experience has put me in the position to develop fitness and wellness programming for students, faculty, staff, and the external community at large, as well as becoming an educator and mentor in the areas of health and fitness. 

As I’ve developed professionally over the years, my initial interests have changed from helping individuals to a broader continuum of people, guided by the principle of Tikkun Olam, with the understanding that providing quality services to the most people in need will put me in the position to have a greater impact in helping build a stronger society.

Being someone that is very curious about the world around me, in my time I have also earned a graduate degree that focused on both the Holocaust and Jewish Identities from Spinoza to the present. The knowledge and experiences I gained through that time period of my life played an invaluable role in shaping who I am today.

Finding myself starting a new career at a JCC that allows me to operate in a capacity that utilizes all of my education and experience in a way that can help integrate every piece of a community is a dream come true. I hope my own passion for life, health, people, and the sustainment of Jewish culture will allow me to not only fit in well as an employee but eventually be welcomed as a member of the community.


Jared Blitz, Fitness & Wellness Manager

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